jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

My favorite website

Hello everyone, today I write about my favorite web site.
It's hard to choose and I spend time looking at various websites, books edescargo sites, sites that complement the content that we reviewed in class.
But if I choose the site that I like, this is Grooveshark, this is a site that lets you listen to music, an artist all his records, or of many artists at once, best of all it's free, you cancreate your account and create your own playlists.
You can even see the next concert of the artist which are listening, can review artists withmusical styles very similar

To make matters worse the website allows us to listen disitintas radio stations worldwide.
It is a simple site to use you just put the name of the artist or band you want to listen andappear at the top songs, albums and his upcoming concerts.
At the bottom of the page you will find the word "Radio" and if you click there you can tune to different stations.
I love this place because every time I'm surfing the web I think it is necessary to accompany it with very good music.

I recommend this site especially for the long nights of study.


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